Restored Hope

You don't have to have at all figured out to find hope. Easter is about a hope that meets us where we are and a Savior who makes all things new. Whether faith is familiar or foreign to you, you're welcome at King's Harbor Church.

Easter Block Party l Sunday, April 13 at 3:30 pm

Hey, we’re throwing a party, and you’re invited! Our Easter Block Party is all about good food, fun games, and egg hunts that’s have the kids racing to grab every last one. This is great time to hang out, meet people, and enjoy a community. Bring you crew, grab some food, and let’s make some memories!

Good Friday l Friday, April 18 at 6 pm
Good Friday l Friday, April 18 at 6 pm
Good Friday is a moment to pause. To feel the weight of what Jesus did. To remember His sacrifices. Through worship, communion, and quite reflection, we’ll step into the sorrow of the night-the moment love chose suffering for our sake. Come and sit in the story. Feel its depth. Let it change you.

*There will be no King’s Kids for this services

Easter Sunday l Sunday, April 20 at 7:30, 9 and 10:45 am

Some stories are too big ignore. Darkness didn’t win. Death wasn’t the end. Easter is more than tradition – it’s the moment when hope gets the final word. Worship, celebrate and experience this powerful day with us.

Spread the Word

Click on the images below to download them to use on your social media profiles to invite others to experience hope this Easter.

Easter at KHC (4x5)
Easter at KHC (4x5) Background
Easter at KHC Stories Image
Easter at KHC Stories Background