Bringing the Gospel to Life For King's Kids
Our goal in King’s Kids is to reveal the love of Jesus and the joy of the gospel to every child who spends time with us. We help kids better understand our big God and encourage them to ask questions. We know the challenge of raising children to know Christ in today’s culture—that’s why it’s our top priority to come alongside parents and guardians to help kids build a firmly-rooted faith.

What We Do
Through Biblical teaching and imaginative play, we encourage kids to interact with Scripture and commit it to memory. Singing worship songs, hands-on activities, and reading or acting out Bible stories are all ways that we help kids engage with scripture.
We offer King’s Kids during both Sunday services for children birth through fifth grade.
King’s Harbor uses electronic check-in for children to save time and increase security. Please check in at the King’s Kids Welcome Counter and we are happy to help you and add your child(ren) to our system.
Thank you for trusting us with your children. We hope you feel welcome here at King’s Harbor Church!
If you are a first-time visitor, please come see us at the King’s Kids Welcome Counter inside the King’s Kids lobby doors. We will help you add your child(ren) to our electronic check-in system.
After you and your child(ren) have been added to our system, you can go straight to the iPads for faster check-in on your subsequent visits. Simply type your last name in the box to get your claim tickets.
If your child needs you during the service, we will text you at the phone number you provided during check-in. Please have your phone on vibrate in case we need to contact you.
All our classrooms are age-appropriate both in design and curriculum. If your child is hesitant to go into class, you are welcome to go in with them. Older children are also welcome to go to a younger sibling’s class.
After the service, you can go directly to your child’s classroom to check them out. For children pre-K and below, you will need to present the claim ticket you received at check-in to pick up your child. Parents without claim tickets will be asked to see a King’s Kids Coordinator for verification.
Age-Specific Details

Nursery (Birth-18 months)
Please make sure to keep us up-to-date on preferences for your child (food allergies, etc.). You can let us know at the King’s Kids Welcome Counter when you check in or add it to your child(ren)’s profile in our electronic check-in system.
You will receive three printed name tags. One goes on your child, one you will use to stick on our roster, and one you will keep as a claim ticket. At the classroom check-in, please let us know if it is okay for your child to cry a little bit or if you would like us to contact you right away.

Preschool (2-5 years old)
You will receive three printed name tags. One goes on your child, one you will use to stick on our roster sheet, and one you will keep as a claim ticket to pick up your child.

Elementary (1st-5th Grade)
You will receive two printed name tags. One goes on your child and one they will use to stick on our roster sheet. We do not use claim tickets for picking up elementary children.
Fifth graders are allowed to sign themselves out of class rather than waiting for a parent. Please arrange a meeting place.
Partnering With You to Foster Mighty Faith
We are committed to partnering with parents and family to raise children firmly rooted in Christ. Here are some resources to continue King's Kids at home!
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